Thursday, November 4, 2010

#8 Grooming the Super Powers of a child

Are you trying to get your kid through a morning or evening routine that appears to be simple enough to you, but overwhelming to your child?

At times, a kid’s attention seems to wonder too far or be too fixed on one thing. Either way, he is not focusing on what you need him to do.

Trying to find that focus point can be a hair pulling experience.

I knew to grow any worthwhile skill it would take some attention focused on that skill until it becomes part of you.

I put together a simple morning and evening checklist of basic actions. I have been piloting them for the past few weeks: So far, so good!

He understands what he needs to do and can re-focus on the task at hand by re-reading the checklist point he needs to finish.

I have implemented his pay (allowence) system based on # of Completed Checklists he turns in. We count it up at the end of the week and that is how he makes some of his money. That gives him an nice incentive.

Hopefully, this idea works for you!  I put cut clip-art next to each action to make it fun.  You can download your own clip-art.

I laminated the master copies for his chore notice board in the kitchen and made black & white copies for him to mark off daily.

           Hunter’s MORNING Checklist
Sunday_______  Monday______ Tuesday______  Wed_______ Thursday_______  Friday_______  Saturday______
1.    Make your Bed and turn off sound ________________

2.     Get dressed____________________________________
3.      Brush and floss your teeth ________________________

4.      Brush your hair – be creative (:-D  __________________

5.        Feed fish     ____________________________________
6.   Feed cats _______________________________________
7.     Feed turtles  __________________________________

8.       Eat a good breakfast______   Put dishes on counter_______

9.     Take vitamins______________________________

Hunter’s NIGHT Checklist
Sunday_______  Monday______ Tuesday______  Wed_______ Thursday_______  Friday_______  Saturday______
1.   Exercise or attend exercise class if scheduled________
2.   Finish any homework.  ________

3.   Clean up playroom.       _________  

4.   Clean up your bedroom if you made a mess. ______

5.   Take your minerals & other vitamins/Cal Mag. _______

6.   Brush and floss your teeth. _______

7.   Take a bath. ________

8.   Read  a story. _________

Home School Inspiration - Without a Dreamer, There is no Dream

Individual-by-individual, each person in his or her uniqueness has the power.

The power to foresee a more benevolent world. When we think about an area of life we want improved, when we visualize it as we wish it to be, we start the wheels turning.

First it is a dream, a bright idea; next it requires the application of some elbow grease; then it grows by tiny steps or giant steps, but always carefully tended; in due time it reaches full stature1; finally, the dream, the bright idea, is a reality!

Envisioning a better world, simply envisioning it, must be a first step in making it happen.

What is your dream?

Share dreams, take action, a brighter world awaits! 

These are words were written by my good friend Carlynn McCormick who offers an incredible Home School on-line service. You can reach her at: